Everyday we are exposed to large number of infectious agents. But however only a few of these exposures results in disease. 

This is due to the fact that the body is able to defend itself from most of these foreign agents. 
This overall ability of the host to fight the disease causing organisms, conferred by immune system is called IMMUNITY.

At the present moment, when the outbreak of coronavirus is frightening everyone. we are very well aware about the Importance of immunity. So on looking at the present scenario all of us wants to increase their  immunity .

Now we are going to discuss best 10 tips to boost up our Immune system or immunity-
  • More and more consumption of vitamin C rich food items like ORANGE, AMLA, GRAPE FRUITS, LEMON, CARRY,  etc
  • Drink more water as possible. Drinking more water will ensure the hydration of whole body. 
  • Increase the consumption of hot substances like TEA, COFFEE, KADHA,  And we also must used to take steam with small addition of vicks. 
  • Never skip your regular exercises. As we know that exercises will help us to increase our immunity.
  • Our eating habits also create a great effects on our immune system. So if we take healthy and fresh food it will definitely help us to boost our immunity drastically. 
  • Whenever you get a free time from your busy schedule. You must do the meditation. As the meditation is the key to reduce stress level of our body. 
  • Don't compromise with sleep.  Take a proper 8 hour sleep to remain active in your daily activities. 
  • Don't smoke. As we know that the smoking  causes malfunctioning of our lungs. 
  • Avoid the drinking of alcohols and other hallucinating substances. 
  • Spend some time to soak up some sunshine as it will help us to boost up our immunity quickly.
So to boost up your immune system keep following the above tips. These tips will definitely help you to increase your Immunity within a week.